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Christian Nimsky's Weblog

Initial MacBook Air Opinions

Christian Nimsky

I’ve had the new MacBook Air for a few days now and I like it.  I ordered the 1.8Ghz model with the 64GB solid-state drive and, if I were to believe all the professional reviews, I have overpaid for a Mac that can’t keep up with a regular MacBook or Mac Mini, much less a MacBook Pro.

I own an Mac Mini and a MacBook Pro, and my reaction to those assertions is that speed and power aren’t the driving point although this Mac Air holds its own.  The MacBook Air is a well designed product and it’s useful, even without 5 expansion ports and a DVD drive.  My reaction to the design is that Apple is taking another step toward having an appliance with you 24/7.  It might be an iPhone.  Maybe a MacBook Air.  Whatever the machine, they want to be with you all the time.  That strikes me as the quintessential new media viewpoint - instead of “tune into me” Apple is sort of saying, “I will go along with you.  I’ll be there.”

That’s pretty cool.  Now if they could just increase the battery life on this thing and round off the edge of the keyboard that grates on my wrists as I type this note I’d be a completely satisfied camper…